

  • The following video is an overview of the effects and types of mergers discussed in this lecture:

part 1

  • First, we focus on unileteral effects with the effect of horizontal merger on price and start listing factors affecting unilateral market power:

part 2

  • We continue with discussing other factors next to market power and concentration that influence the likelihood of price rise:

part 3

  • Then we consider mergers in the new economy and finish unilateral effects with an example of a bidding market:

part 4

  • Second, we discuss coordinated effects in horizontal mergers:

part 5

  • Third, we discuss an argument in favor of mergers; the efficieny defence:

part 6

  • Fourth, we take a short look at vertical mergers and how they lead to concerns of foreclosure and range (portfolio) effects:

part 7

  • This video discusses four range/portfolio issues on conglomerate mergers listed by the Commission:

part 8

  • Fifth, we consider two categories of remedies:

part 9

  • Sixth, we shortly discuss the European practice of merger regulation:

part 10

  • The last video is a summary of the lecture:

part 11


From the exercise of this lecture, we discuss question 1 in class.


In the python file of this lecture, we consider merger simulation: